
Here is the listing of each day's events
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  • October 2

    Saturday - Day #1

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  • October 3

    Sunday - Day #2

  • October 4

    Monday - Day #3

  • “Super Basin Thinking”: Methods to Explore and Revitalize the World’s Greatest Petroleum Basins (Sternbach)
    Technical Session

  • Marcellus SuperBasin (Zagorski)
    Technical Session

  • Utica SuperBasin (Jarvis)
    Technical Session

  • The Marcellus Shale: Geologic Controls on Reservoir Quality and Geochemical Aspects of Future Potential Resources (Douds)
    Technical Session

  • A Proposed Model for Quantifying Critical Mineral Occurrence from Unconventional Sources: An Example from the Marcellus Shale, Appalachian Basin, USA (Blood)
    Technical Session

  • Statistical Methods for Collection, Measurement, and Analysis of Critical Minerals in Fine Grained Clastic Rocks: Case Study of the Dunkirk Shale, NY (McCallum)
    Technical Session

  • Energy in Transition, the Hunt for Lithium in North America (Bridges)
    Technical Session

  • Feasibility and Potential of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) using Salt Caverns in Michigan (Cox)
    Technical Session

  • In this DPA-sponsored luncheon, Don will cover a variety of professional and societal opportunities that are currently available to the modern day petroleum geologist, as well as the responsibilities associated with these pursuits. Ethics, technical skills, business skills and “discovery thinking” will all be addressed in this free-flowing conversation.

  • Echoes of a Giant: the Utica/TBR conventional play (Hunt)
    Technical Session

  • Moundsville Monster: The history and geology of West Virginia’s most productive shale gas well (Vance)
    Technical Session

  • Identifying Repeated Reservoir Intervals Geospatially Using Open-Hole Geophysical Logs (Boyer)
    Technical Session

  • Application of Similarity Analysis to Predict Performance of New Wells in Old Fields using Geologic Variables (Haagsma)
    Technical Session

  • Mapping depletion using drilling data to gain insights into fracture growth and reservoir drainage (Wutherich)
    Technical Session

  • How the Humanities can teach us to improve our interpretation skills; Geosteering Techniques from examples in several Basins (Koury)
    Technical Session

  • October 5

    Tuesday - Day #4

  • Carbon in the Cambrian Rome Trough: Insights from the Rogersville Shale (Weislogel)
    Technical Session

  • Preliminary Evaluation of Rogersville Shale Well Completions and Performance (Bowersox)
    Technical Session

  • Resolving biogeochemical feedback mechanisms using a quantitative, statistical approach in the Late Ordovician Utica-Point Pleasant Formation: Implications for source rock deposition and absolute proxy values (Ritzer)
    Technical Session

  • Comparing and Contrasting Deposits of the Late Ordovician “Point Pleasant” and Dolgeville Formations (Blood)
    Technical Session

  • Produced Gas and Condensate Geochemistry of the Marcellus Formation: Insights into Petroleum Maturity, Migration, and Alteration in an Unconventional Shale Reservoir (Laughrey)
    Technical Session

  • Variations in Produced Water Chemistry and Relation to Regional Geology and Production in the Marcellus Shale, Northcentral West Virginia (Brady)
    Technical Session

  • Organic content, distribution, and thermal maturity in the Cambrian Rogersville Shale (Hickman)
    Technical Session

  • Seismic Stratigraphy, Oil & Gas, and CCUS Potential of the Illinois Wabash Fault Zone and Kentucky Rough Creek Graben Using High-Quality Mega-Regional 2D Seismic Lines (Sternbach)
    Technical Session

  • The War for Porosity: Competition for Underground Storage in the Appalachian Basin (Billman)
    Technical Session

  • Regional EOR Potential of the Utica/Point Pleasant in Ohio (McDonald)
    Technical Session

  • Evaluating Seal Capacity to Super Critical CO2 (scCO2) as an aid in Risk Assessment and Carbon Storage Site Characterization (Willette)
    Technical Session

  • A Holistic Assessment of Development of Electric Power Generation in the United States; Surface Impacts of Wind, Solar and Natural Gas in the Appalachian Basin (Carr)
    Technical Session

  • Renewable Energy Integrated with Subsurface Energy Storage (Leetaru)
    Technical Session

  • Evaluating The Liquids Potential And Distribution Of West Virginia’s Marcellus Liquids Fairway (Smith)
    Technical Session

  • October 6

    Wednesday - Day #5

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