The Richard W. Beardsley Grant was established through an endowment to the AAPG Foundation by the Eastern Section of AAPG in honor of Dick Beardsley, for his exemplary work as an explorationist in the sedimentary basins of eastern North America. This grant is awarded to a deserving student in support of geological studies that have application to petroleum exploration in the Eastern Section AAPG region, or secondly to a deserving student enrolled at a college or university (public or private) located in the Eastern Section AAPG region.
Established in 1972, the Eastern Section of the AAPG is a non-profit, membership organization dedicated to promoting the utility of petroleum and energy geology. As of last year’s annual report, the Eastern Section boasted over 2,300 members, with more having joined since then. This grant is awarded to a deserving student in support of geological studies that have application to petroleum exploration in the Eastern Section AAPG region, or secondly to a deserving student enrolled at a college or university (public or private) located in the Eastern Section AAPG region.
c/o Willette – Illinois State Geological Society
615 E. Peabody Drive
Champaign, IL 61820