Carbon in the Cambrian Rome Trough: Insights from the Rogersville Shale (Weislogel)
Carbon in the Cambrian Rome Trough: Insights from the Rogersville Shale (Weislogel)
“Super Basin Thinking”: Methods to Explore and Revitalize the World’s Greatest Petroleum Basins (Sternbach)
Preliminary Evaluation of Rogersville Shale Well Completions and Performance (Bowersox)
Marcellus SuperBasin (Zagorski)
Resolving biogeochemical feedback mechanisms using a quantitative, statistical approach in the Late Ordovician Utica-Point Pleasant Formation: Implications for source rock deposition and absolute proxy values (Ritzer)
Utica SuperBasin (Jarvis)
Comparing and Contrasting Deposits of the Late Ordovician “Point Pleasant” and Dolgeville Formations (Blood)
The Marcellus Shale: Geologic Controls on Reservoir Quality and Geochemical Aspects of Future Potential Resources (Douds)
c/o Willette – Illinois State Geological Society
615 E. Peabody Drive
Champaign, IL 61820